Sportsmanship-Can't We All Just Get Along
**SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION**Hey there Madden Champions Lgue faithful, we're going to take this opportunity to touch on Sportsmanship and overall respect for your team, league members and even members yet to join.
Since we already have such a nice group of SIM players I won't go into great detail but I will touch on a few highpoints...
We ask that ALL users in league games join a party together, this has been proven to limit questionable gameplay, and allows a quick line of communication in situations where a play/questionable play-style may arise. If you DO NOT have a headset you are still required to join the party. This is to help prevent/monitor dashboard quits, etc. which cause "connection to peer lost" errors. Concession Mode-
Hey guys, we've noticed there have been a few lop sided scores in the first couple of weeks so we want to take this time to address the issue of "running the score up." I am not a fan at all of running the score up on opponents. I think that is a quick way to have people dropping out of the league and I never like to see that happen.
On the flip side, I'm also not a fan of teams that are getting blown out taking advantage of the winning team's conservative play style and still pressing the issue, vs running out the clock. Let me put it this way...if you're beating someone by 30 points or so and you're trying to be polite and not run the score up, but he is still big hitting your players, throwing deep down the field, etc. that's not good sportsmanship either.
In other words, it needs to be a mutual effort of running the game clock down if you really don't want the score run up on you.Concession Mode Cont'd-
Concession Mode is a mode the losing team can initiate if they are losing by 21 points or more in the 4th quarter. This mode is activated by the losing team sending a XBL message to the winning team saying something to the effect of "I concede." Once this is done, the remainder of the game is played under a new set of rules as follows (these rules apply for both teams):
-Key offensive starters are taken out of the game (QB, HB, big WRs). We also recommend removing key defensive players as well but that is optional.
-NO BIG HITTING. Trying to injure your opponent's players or produce a turnover in a "rundown the clock" situation is not cool.
-Offensive play calling should be a "dink and dunk" style. Remember the goal here is to run down the clock, not score or throw incompletions.
-The endzone is OFF limits. Yes that's right--no TDs. You may kick a field goal if you're in range, but stay out of the promised land! If you get a breakaway play, down it on the five and kick a field goal.
Hopefully this addition will allow players who are out of a game a chance to run the clock out and look forward to their next match-up. Please remember, until you concede by XBL message, the winning team is under no obligation to let up and you forfeit any right to complain afterward.
Quitting Early-
There is "No Quitting" allowed in the MCL, there will be games where we all face a daunting challenge in facing a large deficit. Instead of attempting to quit use it as an opportunity to study what your opponents running that was so effective to improve your own game.
IF A USER QUITS AND FORCES THE OTHER PARTY TO AS WELL HE WILL BE ISSUED A ONE GAME SUSPENSION, IF IT HAPPENS A 2ND TIME HE WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE LEAGUE.I understand not wanting to waste your time due to being down, but the other user has just as much right to finish the game as you. It's not fair for one user to decide the outcome of a game, and it's not something we will support.
CPU Mercy Rule-
Please help us maintain statistical integrity across the board.
Thank you for co-operating.
DO NOT exceed 45 points vs the CPU, and DO NOT use CPU games as an opportunity to pad stats. Any user who exceeds this will receive a one game suspension, and any player/s deemed to have padded stats will be suspended 1-3 games. This will be strictly enforced.
Disconnects and Restarts-If you are in a game with another user and they disconnect then the user who was not disconnected is responsible for writing down the score, and time in the game that the disconnect occured. Once the other user signs on restart the game and allow eachother to score and finish the game from the point of the disc. (The user who has to sign back in must sign on within 15 minutes or they forfeit, unless both users agree to play at a later time.) NOTE-IF YOU ARE DOWN 28 POINTS IN THE THIRD OR 21 IN THE FOURTH, OR DOWN 21 PLUS WITH "0" POINTS AND YOU DISC, AND THE PARTY WITH THE LEAD IS STILL CONNECTED THEY AUTOMATICALLY ELIGIBLE FOR A CPU GAME.
If you are playing vs the CPU and your game disc's its okay to restart it, since there is no real way to determine a disconnect that was done on purpose we will address these on a case by case basis. Multiple same game disc's, and multiple disc's throughout a season will be subject to commissioner review. MULTIPLE RESTARTS VS CPU CONSECUTIVELY AFTER A PATTERN HAS BEEN DETERMINED WILL RESULT IN A ONE GAME SUSPENSION, SECOND OFFENSE TWO GAMES, THIRD OFFENSE YOU'LL BE DISMISSED FROM THE LEAGUE.
User vs User Complaint-Please if there is a situation, message your opponent and make them aware that they are in violation of a league rule. If it continues notify one of our commissioners immediately via PM on this site, XBL messages are acceptable as well. If its an issue where you believe a user is abusing a gameplay flaw, or glitch use EA Sports Highlight to upload the video. Any user that receives multiple complaints will be eligible for suspension and up to removal from the league.
DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT SUBMIT ANY FLAMING OR DEROGATORY POSTS TO THIS FORUM.User Complaint Course of Action-1) Complaint Number 1-A warning PM will be issued (you will have an opportunity to explain your side of the story).
2) Complaint Number 2-Final warning, with a suspension up to three games (Length will be determined by the Board of Commissioners).
3) Complaint Number 3-You will be removed from the Franchise.
SO WHETHER YOU ARE NEW, OR A USER UNDER REVIEW YOU NEED TO 1)TAG ALL THE ADMINS 2)POST THE TWITCH LINK & 3)MAKE SURE YOUR TWITCH IS SET TO ''ARCHIVE'' THE GAMES IN THE EVENT STAFF CANNOT WATCH IT LIVE, OR WE NEED TO CONSULT THE VIDEO FOR REVIEW OF ANY ISSUES THAT MAY ARISE.I understand that may seem lenient to some and strict to others, but put simply if you follow the "SIM Gaming-101" rules it will never come to this. So please abide by all the rules. Thank you.
With all that being said, as always I appreciate the time you spent to review this, if any changes occur to the guidelines you will all be notified. With that being said I look forward to seeing you all on the field.